This is Holly, she has a grade 2 Luxating Patella - This means that her knee cap (patella) sometimes pops out (luxates) from the groove in which it sits before it then pops itself back in. Normally seen in exercise as a little hop, skip, or jump.

Over time cartilage associated with the stifle (knee) joint can wear away causing pain and inflammation, this also has a knock on effect to the surrounding muscles that assist the stifle to move properly.
Depending on the grade at which the knee dislocates symptoms may be seen as some of the following:
Crepitus Lameness/ unable to weight bear Power lost in hind limb/s Reduced ROM to hind limb through extension and flexion Muscle splinting Hopping/skipping on one or both hind limbs Abnormal gait
Affects ADL’s Holds hind limb up
Massage therapy can be beneficial for locating patella as it: Reduces pain Alleviates muscle tension and overcompensation Aids to rebuild muscle Alleviates muscle splinting Loosens tissues allowing realignment of patella ( knee cap) in trochlea ( groove)